both parents are at work again, so i'm left in the house with my sister, who has the biggest gob known to mankind. joy. although she is keeping quiet atm, so hopefull this state of calm with last. i bought new school trousers yesterday. i thought new look would have a decent selection, but all they had were pinstripe business ones, and my headteacher won't allow them, and i wouldn't be seen dead in them, talk about making me look fat. in the end though i did find a decent pair, funnily enough they're exactly the same pair that my bestfriend has. and she hasn't got told off for them. stupid head teacher being so picky. it's trousers for god sake, not a mohawk!

not long until half term now, *woot* i could really use a week of not getting up until 10am. weekends consisting of two days are not enough time off! why can't it be two days of school and five days of weekends? man i hate my school -.- although my mum tells me that your school days are the best days of your life. or you'll want to go back to school when you leave. well we'll see about that when the time comes won't we?
i was looking at prom dresses the other day. i know i'm only in year 10, but it doesn't hurt to look, just like it doesn't hurt to put christmas decorations up in october! (the garden centres around here do it around this time of year). and they looked really nice, although i'm not getting mine from the shop i was looking in, my mum knows someone who knows someone who makes them. if that makes sense? :L so mum is letting me have mine made. anyway at the shop, the guy who owns it or was just working there said that when you buy a dress from their shop they don't sell the same one to anyone from the same school as you so you don't turn up wearing the same one. just imagine turning up in the same dress as someone else, how embarassing would that be?!
anyway i'm going now.
someone in my school turned up to prom in the same dress as someone else.. it was awful!