Oh my gosh! It's been absolutely ages since I last posted! I've completely lost track of the time! It's just flown by these last few months! I think the last time I posted was March? Jeeez, so much has happened.
Well, in May I went on work experience to a primary school :) it was amazing and i learnt so much from my experience. I worked with year 1's at first. They were absolutely adorable, I wanted to take them all home with me! I then went to work in year 5. They weren't so nice, constantly calling me 'Hannah Montana' which I despise -.- I put up with them for the 3 days I was in there, but it was such a relief to get out! I then had to go into year 6, and if the year 5's were anything to go by, the year 6's were going to be awful. I felt bad for judging them before I'd even met them, but the year 5's had made me so cautious of the older kids. They were unbelievabl rude to me, and it's true when I say I was intimadated by them! The day I had to go into year 6 I burst into tears. The headteachers PA had to take me aside to ask me what was wrong. I felt so rude. I'd basically told her I hated the year 5 students and didn't want to go back! She put me in pre-school that day, the kids were lovely! I made an idiot of myself at lunch though. The pre-school staff were asking me where I had been beforehand, and I told them about my horrific experience in year 5, then one of the staff said that her child was in year 5. I went bright red and was so embarassed! I wanted to ground to swallow me up there and then. It was mortifying. Luckily she saw the funny side and said that they are rude and that I should try living with one. I laughed nervously but still felt really bad for basically insulting her child. I went in year 2 at the end of my last week with my friend Becca. , they were lovely and the teacher was even nicer! Me and Becca were asked to tidy up the bookshelves outside. I love tidying, and I had a little order going on. I told Becca to let me do it, I didn't want her messing it all up, lol. The look on her face when I told her I'd do it myself was hilarious, she looked at me as if I'd just told her she was a princess! So I spend about 4 hours tidying up the bookshelf, after break the next day, the bookshelf was in the same mess as it was before I had even started tidying it up. One was not amused. Overall work experience was amazing. I really didn't want to go back to school after that. I still miss the year 1's and year 2's, I'd love to go back and see them again!
In May half term I had my friend Francesca down to stay for a few days. I hadn't seen her in nearly 2 years so I was really looking forward to seeing her! :) I had an amazing time and I definately won't be leaving it as long until I see her again!
June brought a bomb of exams. I had about 13 in total. I got so stressed and started panicking. Had I done enough revision for Chemistry? Had I done too much for History? My mind was all over the place, I don't know how I got through all of the exams without going crazy!
I've had a massive room tidy up, I took down ALL of my JLS posters. This is an achievement for me because I was in love with them. They covered all of my walls, so it's fair to say my walls looked very naked when I took all the posters down. I felt it was time to say goodbye to JLS and put other things on my wall. I raided my magazine box and tore all my magazines to shreds. I also went on tumblr and printed off so much stuff! It was all motivational happy stuff in case I ever feel down and need a pick-me-up :) I bugged my dad left, right and centre to get me a white board and a pin board. It took about 3 days of me moaning for him to crack and go buy me one and put it up :) However my mum and sister now use it as a way to leave me sarcastic notes and drawings! I've printed off loads of pictures of me and my friends and put them next to my mirror, so when I do my hair and make-up in the mornings I can look at the pictures and be happy :) my motivational picture idea rubbed off onto my friend Katrina who has also raided tumblr and printed off loads of images. Although she went about the wrong way and has printed off some negative, depressing stuff. I told her this is not the right thing to do because she'll wake up and see that depressing stuff and feel down all day. Why is she so intent on bringing herself down? Siriusly (see what I did there? hahahaha).
On the 14th July my boyfriend took me to see The Script at Thetford Forest. They were a-ma-zing. 'Nuff said.
It's now the summer holidays and I'm off to see The Wanted on Friday xD so excited, I have to get dressed up though. It's at Newmarket nights so I have to sit through the races first and then I get to see The Wanted :) yayayayayay!
How have your last few months been? :)
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