Sunday, 22 August 2010

sunday :/

i'm actually so bored, have nothing to do that i'm writing in my blog for the 3rd time today. i've sat on my computer all day, as i said i would earlier, and i havn't moved at all.

i was thinking of tidying up my room, but i got rid of that idea the minute i thought of it, sunday is the day of rest, and tidying up isn't resting! so my plan, made up just now, is to move my computer so i'm sat on my  bed with it, instead of on the desk, and put on a couple of friends episodes, just the way to make me smile on a boring sunday afternoon. and then later on i'm going to try for the millionth time to get back onto the JLS website, it isn't working for me today :( sad times SAD! it's hasn't been all day, so i did what i've done for the past 4 days in a row. watched JLS videos on youtube. because i'm that sad, and i have nothing to do. but i did enjoy it, alot. i mean who wouldn't want to sit on their computer and laugh their head off all the time? oh and get to see aston merrygold ;) now that is good. so yeah.
                                               plan for sunday (or what is left of it.);

                                              * sit on bed. (lousy, but i plan to do it.)

                                              * watch friends episodes.

                                              * try JLS website.

                                             * watch JLS videos.

                                             * play another game of solitare and purble place

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