Tuesday, 31 August 2010


so i havn't written in exactly a week, but the reason being is i've had nothing to post about. my life is pretty boring.

although my friend slept round on saturday and i went to my grandma's on sunday. not that that is interesting to you. but aaaaah well :)

i'm having a major issue with my so-called sister. i'm actually beginning to despise her. and i hate saying that, you're not meant to hate your sibling, but that's the way it is heading. so don't know how this is going to turn out.

i'm back to school in two days, the big year 1-0. well, people are making a big deal out of it. 'it's so scary.' yeeaah you said that about year 9 and that wasn't scary. i'm just interested in getting my timetable and getting back into the routine. the funny thing is, i was complaining about having routines, and feeling like i have to follow a schedule, but with school, it's nice to have order and know what is going on, other things? not so much. waterloo road is back tomorrow night *cheer*, which is good. i suppose in a way, it'll get me in the mood for school? if that makes sense? so i'm kinda glad that it is back on tomorrow night. i'm all set to go, got all my equipment etc. you buy all this stuff and chances are you won't use half of it :L but it doesn't hurt to buy it just in case ;) the sad thing is i'm kindaa looking forward to going back to school, but i say that now, and by friday i'll be counting down the days until the summer again :L but at least i can look back on this summer and smile. it was a good holiday, i mean first holiday abroad with the family? a-maz-ing, despite the horrendous heat, but that's another story!

i'm going to make the most of my last day of freedom tomorrow, starting with a long lie-in, then seeing the boyfriend, followed by waterloo road. looks like tomorrow is going to be good, so i'm all set to go :)

i'm also very proud of myself, i've read two books in two days. well that's a lie, one of the books i've read because we are studying it in english next year, but i only know this because i overheard my english teacher telling the smartest girl in our class that we were studying it, and what annoyed me is the fact that she gave her the book to read so she could get a headstart. she could've given the book to someone with not as much intelligence. now if she gets a good grade she's going to go around and rub everyone's noses in it. and i read a book that is my friends that i've had for ageeeeeeeeees, so i thought i would dump that on her on the first day back. how nice am i? ;)

my school bag is sat on my floor all packed ready for me to pick up on thursday. i've left it in a stupid place, i wake up to it every morning and it reminds me that i have school soon :/
au revoir (pronounced olive war in my case :L)

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