Saturday, 29 January 2011

this is my post.

i'm off to play squash today with my best friends, never been in my life, so i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing! apparently the ball is bloody tiny and made of rubber. that's gonna fail, but i know we'll have a laugh!

i'm off to tesco's with my sister in a bit, need to go get some new heels for tonight. me, mum, dad and katie are going out for a meal to the marriot hotel with our grandparents, and my current heals are too small for me. plus katie wants to wear them, so i'm buying new ones from tesco's. i would go to new look, but i'm busy this afternoon failing at squash so tesco's it is. i didn't force my sister to come with me, my mother did. it's because there have been some reports about rapes around our area (aaahh!) and she doesn't want me out on my own. i don't understand why, no ones going to rape me, but i'll give her the peace of mind.

i'm looking forward to going out later, mum  said i could have a three course dinner if i go on the cross trainer tomorrow morning, we're both doing it, because we're both watching our weight and we both want a nice meal.

so long all, have a great day now! <3

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