Wednesday, 26 January 2011

a weighty issue.

i've fallen victim to the one subject that consumes just about EVERY teenage girl to ever walk this messed up earth.
weight issues.
i'm in a desperate attempt to lose weight, over xmas i indulged and put some weight, and i'm determined to lose it and more.

i want to be thin, i don't want to be fat, if i was fat i would feel like i have no control over myself. i want to control the way my body looks every minute of every day. and i'll try everything in my power to do that.

every one of my friends thinks they're fat, even though they aren't. they fallen victim to it too. it affects every teenage girl and there's nothing i can do to stop the way i'm feeling. help.

1 comment:

  1. Life is too short to worry about your weight. Enjoy life and eat whatever you want!
